What are people saying about these children’s books?
“As a a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for over 25 years, I can confidently say that I Have Two Homes and I Have a Stepmom are truly wonderful books. Both of these books are written in a way that children will understand, and exemplify the importance of learning and accepting divorce in a positive environment. The neutral language makes it clear of the positive regard everyone has for one another. I believe these books are not only helpful for the children but are great reminders for the parents and stepparents of characteristics of a healthy separation or divorce.
Both of the I Have books are in the Fox Valley Institute for Growth and Wellness’s waiting room.”
“I Have Two Homes, I Have a Stepdad and I Have a Stepmom are a great resource for children trying to navigate changes in their family. The are written simply, are colorfully illustrated and touch on all the topics that go through the minds of children in a post-divorce family. Most importantly, the language is positive and affirming of all family members, which is such a vital message for children (and their parents, too!). These books will be a key support to the work I do with post-divorce families and step-families.”
“Thank you thank you thank you!!! There are simply not enough children’s books on this topic. My two stepsons (ages 6 and 9) love I Have a Stepmom. I read it with them individually to understand what each of their reaction would be. With the 6 year old, I got a lot of “hey we do that too!” and with the 9 year old there has been a lot of talk with his little brother saying “you know that stepmom book, isn’t it so good?”
It’s so nice to hear them having conversations about how much they like it. I honestly think this is the firstbook on the topic either boy has read which makes me sad for them. I hope to find more books like this but the selection out there is very limited. The author of this book does a terrific job focusing on the stepmom relationship and what a lucky relationship it is to have. Having a stepmom myself I wish I would have had books like this one growing up! If you’re a stepmom, get this book, read it with your kiddos and see how they love being able to relate. ”
“I Have a Stepmom is an incredible book for my stepdaughter. As a four-year-old, she doesn’t have many friends she can talk to about having “two homes”. She now understands that there are more children she can relate to and this has been her favorite book for months. ”
“Dear Colleen,
One of my best friends brought me to your site, and when I have a rough morning, I find myself at work browsing through your site and blogs. I have laughed, cried, and calmed myself down just knowing I am not the only one out here feeling this way.
Thank you so much for your insight. I enjoy your blogs so much.”
“As both a child of divorce and a stepmom, I’ve always felt that stepfamily life is like a dirty little secret that no one wants to talk about. Stepmoms and Stepdads are a major part of so many families, yet somehow they seem to be missing in story books and in the media. Unless they are being portrayed in a negative way that is. Colleen’s books normalize stepfamily life, and help to debunk the stereotypes that are still so predominant in today’s Society. They show that it’s okay to love your stepparent, and to value the joy they bring to your parents lives. I find them refreshing and highly recommend!! ”
“I Have Two Homes is an excellent resource for families dealing with separation and divorce. I am an early childhood educator trying to guide the girls I care for through their parents’ separation. I purchased 4 or 5 books and this one stood out due to it’s ability to explain and simplify a difficult subject in a way that is very developmentally appropriate. The two year old really relates to it and loves it. And I love it too!
“I Have a Stepmom is wonderful. In child simple language, it really explains the role of a stepmom without diminishing any other family member’s role. There is no mention of how the stepmom feels about mom or the mom feels about stepmom. It’s just, this is how I got a stepmom, this is how my stepmom makes me and daddy feel special. We’re one big family of love. It’s perfect no matter the situation. My stepdaughter and I read it as soon as I got it in the mail yesterday. It even has an example page where the characters describe each other to neighborhood friends, letting kids know it’s perfectly ok to introduce that person as your stepmom/stepkid. That’s so important as these kids try to figure out this new change. We started with the I Have Two Homes books by the same author and bought this one without hesitation.”
“I bought both I Have Two Homes and I Have a Stepmom, and the girls love love love them!!!! They insist on reading it many times everyday. They even asked me to include their own personal names in the book. It’s adorable and has been so helpful for our family. It’s great! Thanks for it. ”